Cozy Lifestyle Newborn Session - Pittsburgh
Lifestyle newborn sessions typically take place in those first couple weeks of being born and happen in the comfort of your own home. With everything there is to do to welcome your baby home, scheduling your session can sometimes fall by the wayside. Or maybe you didn't think you would want a newborn session but realized once they were here how quickly they change. No matter the reason, I am always happy to work a family into my schedule!
When I initially heard from the mom in today's session her little one had already arrived in January. Time had just gotten away and she never booked a session. My February was pretty busy with newborns but I was so thrilled to be able to work with the family. Even more so once the mom shared with me how special this little girl was and how long they waited for her!
What a fun and relaxed session it was! Little miss was perfectly sleepy for most of the session but gave us some beautiful awake shots and even a few smiles. While we did have to stop for a feeding and a couple diaper changes (all totally normal), this allowed for some true lifestyle shots...of the feeding not the diaper change! And time for the dog to be able to mosey in and make himself comfortable.
The entire session took place in their beautiful nursery. It was the perfect spot for a cozy lifestyle newborn session. When I left the family this morning I told them their sneak peek wouldn't be coming until tomorrow buuuuut, I just couldn't wait and I had to dig into finding some favorites. Here are some that I just had to share!!