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Extended Family Session - Mellon Park, Pittsburgh

Extended family sessions are a fantastic way to get all of the people you love most in one place! These sessions allow you to get more than just one large group shot of grandparents, parents and children. Yes, we absolutely do get one large group shot but we also break out into smaller groups; individual families, cousins only, siblings only, individual children...really whatever time allows for we will capture!

We all know Pittsburgh weather is tricky! This session was supposed to take place last month but with a poor forecast we decided to push the session date. Wouldn't you know, that original session date turned out to be absolutely gorgeous! So when the forecast was looking crummy again we decided to push forward and keep the date and we were rewarded with an even better day! The entire group was so fun to work with and very cooperative. We did have a couple spills which required band aids but thankfully I am a boy mom and have those ready to go in my car!

My client had a list of groupings she wants to make sure to get and I am happy to share that we got all of what she wanted and more! Enjoy this sneak peek and all of the fun we had over the weekend.


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