Fall Family Session - Boyce Mayview Park
I joked on my social media that I was going to set up a tent at Boyce Mayview park in the South Hills of Pittsburgh this year since the majority of my families this fall have chosen that as the location for their family photo shoot...and for good reason! The sessions I have edited from this location have been gorgeous!
The Sargent family has moved to our beautiful city from New England so they heavily relied upon my location guide to help them decide on where to do their family session. I think sometimes families are shocked to find this amazing field setting right in the middle of their local neighborhood.
With two younger kiddos (2 and 4) they knew they just wanted a quick half hour family session and thankfully, this time of year I do squeeze those in as my calendar is mostly full. The session started a little bit later than anticipated but thankfully we had a gorgeous night and could push into blue hour* for their session and were able to still capture some sweet snuggly moments for the family!
I am excited to share some of their session with you here!
*Blue hour - this is right after the sun has set and you get a beautiful blue hue rather than the golden hue which is an hour before sunset and when most sessions take place.