First Birthday Family Photo Session - Pittsburgh, PA
If you have ever inquired about a first birthday session with me then you know that I ask a ton of questions. There several ways to do a first birthday photo session and all of them are great! You can have just the birthday boy/girl or full family. You can also choose to do a cake smash at the end of the session or just forego that tradition all together. No matter what you choose you you are guaranteed to have the most amazing memories to look back on as your little one continues to grow!
I absolutely love when I am asked to do a first birthday session for families that I was able to photograph their newborn session. It is amazing to see all of the changes not only in the baby but also in the parents....especially if they were first time parents. For my family this weekend that was exactly the case. They were first time parents when I met them last year and to see them again I saw such amazing changes! Confidence in being parent's but even more joy watching their little daughters' personality come out for the session as she played.
It is true, 9/10 families ask for advice on where to hold their session. I provide a location guide but I am always happy to give a shout out for my absolute favorite locations. Altmeyer Park is a little hidden gem in the North Hills and was the backdrop for this first birthday session. It had all of the elements I love; wild flowers, tall grass and paths for families to walk in. I was so excited when there was zero hesitation from the family to walk into the tall grassy/weedy area for some amazing shots!
Because the birthday girl is a walker that meant we were on the move too! I have pulled together some of my favorite's from their session to share in a quick sneak peek!