Lifestyle Newborn Session - Pittsburgh
There is something so sweet and simple about an in-home lifestyle newborn session. Its just you, your significant other, maybe an older sibling or two and that sweet new baby that you just brought into the world. Lifestyle newborn sessions go at your pace. If we need to stop for a feeding, we do that! If big brother or sister needs a quick break, we give that to them. There are no rules and there is absolute beauty in that!
I have had a slew of repeat families lately and I can't begin to express how thankful I am for that. It was not that long ago...just a short 19 months, that I met this families first little guy. Fast forward to today's session and he is a busy toddler that also just so happens to be a big brother!
While I always have shots that I want to get, with a new baby and a sibling so close in age we work with what they will give us. Sometimes that means sibling shots where big brother is pointing out the nose, ear, etc. and sometimes that means I am holding the toddler while getting just mom/dad and the new baby. Whatever it takes, I am game! Don't forget, I have two boys of my own...I have seen some things!
The newest addition was 100% on board with what seems to be my new norm for newborn sessions which is a WIDE AWAKE baby. Yes, I did get him to sleep (which rocking them to sleep is secretly my favorite!) but the moment I set him down and he heard the shutter it was wide open eyes. Even with an awake baby that was fighting sleep and a toddler that was being a toddler, we still captured some amazing memories today.
Happy to share with you some favorites from the session this morning.