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Newborn Session Giveaway

Everyday 2,000 women and families lose their babies to pregnancy and infant loss. October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month and today, October 15th, is the remembrance day dedicated to the little ones who are not here with us today.

Life is full of chapters and the one leading to parenthood felt like one that would never end. My husband and I tried for four years to have children before we finally welcomed our first little guy into the world. It was a long road to him and we lost a baby two years into our journey. I am sharing with you today about my loss because the entire journey is something that has shaped me in a way I never expected and because it is something that affects so many others.

This month and day are not only dedicated to those experiencing miscarriage but also those that have experienced the loss of an infant during or after birth. Sadly, this is something our family has experienced as well. We lost my nephew Eli when he was only a month old. My sister and I went through our pregnancies together and Eli was born only a few months after my son. It made the world stop when I got the phone call that he was no longer with us. We do things throughout the year to keep his name and memory alive in our family and today is one more day we celebrate Eli and the time we had with him.

In honor of this special month, I am donating a newborn session to one family that is expecting their Rainbow Baby. In my four year journey awaiting our first child, it showed me what a true miracle each and every baby is. Because of the heartache and struggle some people go through to bring their babies home, I want to make sure that each one is celebrated. These miracles are what has really drawn me to newborn and family photography. Being able to capture little moments of them from birth through all the childhood years is something that makes my heart so happy and is something that I am truly grateful to be able to do.

To nominate yourself or another expectant mom, please complete the Google document entry form by October 31, 2020. One family will be chosen to receive the newborn session.

I want to thank you in advance for sharing your story with me. I know that it is not always easy but each and every baby needs to be celebrated, even if they are not here with us!

This is my rainbow baby, Christian. He took over four years to get to us and we experienced lots of heartache in that time. He is smart, funny, very silly and tests my patience like any other three year old but I wouldn't trade him for the world!


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