Preparing For Your Lifestyle Newborn Photo Session
Lifestyle newborn sessions embrace a cozy/casual feel but keep in mind, these are images you want to proudly display so I have compiled some pointers to help you prepare not only yourself but also your home for your newborn session!

Lifestyle Newborn Wardrobe
After photographing newborns for a few years, I have found that dressing yourselves and your family in earthy tones, whites and neutrals helps create a very comfortable feel for your images. Limiting one family member to a more bold pattern and dressing the rest of the family in solids and incorporating textures helps to not overwhelm a shot but adds just the right amount of pop.

Bringing a baby into the world is no easy feat, but you did it! Lets show off you and that beautiful baby.
It's easy to get caught up in the 24/7 care of a newborn so I suggest picking our your outfit prior to babies arrival. This makes sure that you don't have to scramble to fine something to wear. I would also suggest picking your outfit out first and coordinating the family around you.
My personal favorite for mamas is a flowy dress. These are an amazing option as they are forgiving in all the places you need right at that moment. Some of my favorite dresses come from Baltic Born. And before you worry too much, the dress does not have to be maternity to work for your session.
Dresses not your thing? There is no reason you can't wear jeans or leggings but make sure to pair with a cozy sweater or blouse to dress them up a bit.

Maybe the easiest of the family to dress! Dad's can usually pull right from their closet. A simple button down or even a basic tee work well with a pair of jeans or khaki style pant.
For lifestyle newborn sessions I always suggest bare feet as it emphasizes that cozy in-home feel but socks (no logos or TOO crazy of a design) can definitely work.
Siblings & Baby
A neutral onsie is perfect for baby and if you want to jazz it up a little, opt for a kimono style which are available at H&M. I like the onsie option because it leaves those feet and hands free so we have a chance to capture those tiny features. If you have your heart set on specific outfit just make sure it fits well...don't be afraid to grab the newborn or even preemie sizes. If an outfit is too big, baby can get lost in fabric or we spend so much of your session tucking and hiding that fabric.
Siblings can go the same route as mom and dad. A dress with a neutral pattern for sister and a plain shirt with jeans for brother. Again, these can definitely be options you find right in their dresser.
I always bring a simple wrap to your lifestyle session. This really helps calm baby down if they are extra fussy and is also great for sibling shots to help with any flailing arms and legs from baby!
Hair & Bows
I am going to touch on hair for a quick second, especially for toddler girls! If you find that they always have strands hanging in their face, try to secure their hair back if possible (I get it...some little girls hate having their hair done!) By doing this it helps make sure we do not have to continually fix their hair during the session and trust me...I have missed great shots because a headband was falling down or hair was falling into their eyes.
Bows for siblings and baby should be smaller and on the neutral side. I do bring my bows for baby as well just in case we need a few options.

Preparing Your Home
Your home is the backdrop for this amazing newborn session so here are a couple tips to help you know where to focus your attention when getting your house ready!
We will be using anywhere between 1-3 rooms in your home. Generally rooms like the nursery, master bedroom and living room are the main areas we focus. Really, anywhere with great natural light. I do not use any lamps or overhead lighting for lifestyle newborn sessions so do not worry about those extra details.
As always, if you are not sure if a space will work feel free to send me images of the space and I can let you know my thoughts.
When you are preparing your home, my first suggestion is to make sure your flat surfaces are clear of clutter. Think dressers, night stands, coffee tables. This helps keep a clean aesthetic for the backdrop. For bedrooms a nice made bed is perfect. I love a nice neutral bedspread as well but as you can see from the example you can have a pop of color without it being too much.

Baby Prep
The first thing I suggest is not letting baby take a long nap in the morning prior to my arrival. This along with feeding baby right before your session time will help to have a nice sleepy baby.
Making sure the home is nice and toasty warm will also help to make sure baby is comfortable and content.
If little one decides that regardless of your prep they still want to say awake, do not worry! Lifestyle newborn sessions can still be amazing with an awake baby. That is when you also get those amazing eye contact shots that most people love.
Sometimes no matter how hard we try, some babies are just a little more fussy than others and that is OK. If you are using pacifiers with your little one I am not opposed to having them in the shots. We don't want your gallery to be full of pacifier shots but if needed I do suggest a neutral binky to help make sure it blends in a little more. The Itzy Ritzy pacifiers on Amazon are a great option.

After your lifestyle newborn session is complete I will edit your images and provide your gallery within two weeks of your session. Once you have had a chance to look over your gallery it is time to select the package that works for you!
I hope that this lifestyle newborn prep guide was helpful in making you feel confident in making wardrobe selections and preparing your home for your session. As always, if I can further assist with any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.
Best, Allison